B2B Warehouse Operator
for Mail Forwarding Services
Based in New Castle DE USA, Berlin Germany
and Dubai UAE with total 75 000 sq ft space

B2B Warehouse Operator for Mail Forwarding Services
Based in New Castle DE USA, Berlin Germany and Dubai UAE with total 75 000 sq ft space
What's under the hood
Automated receiving with OCR, scaling, QA, foto of incoming goods
State of the art API for seamless integrations with your front-end
Customizable iOS and Android Apps
Dedicated warehouse manager
Fully-compliant TSA experts
24 hours SLA for receiving of parcels
24 hours for preparation of the consignment
More than 100 employees globally
English contact center service & much more
Our customers are small and medium size businesses who do b2c mail-forwarding and purchasing service from USA, Germany and UAE all over the world.

Above warehouse services we can arrange:

- IATA agent services at JFK;
- Delivery of your consignments to JFK;
- Buyout (procurement service);
- Airfreight to any country at unbeatable price.
We'll be happy to assist you business grow global
Fill the contact form or reach out to our managers via sales@fulfilla.io
Our team
Our addresses
New Castle, DE, USA
1600 Johnson way, Historic New Castle, DE, USA
Berlin, Germany
Heusingerst 12-16, Berlin, 12107 Germany
Dubai, UAE
Heirs of Ahmed Khalifa Bld., 1st fl., off. №05, Al Khabaisi, Dubai, UAE
© 2022 Shiptor LLC dba Fulfilla ™